Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Warm Welcome

Whisperstar leaped onto the crack riddled stone and yowled,
"All cats old enough to slink trough the trees gather under the Silent Stone for a clan meeting!" Brindleglow, Stripepaw, and Scarpaw appeared from their hidden dens and sat beneath the stone.
"Today we will welcome Glow, Tiger, Claw, Otter and Leaf to our clan. Glow, do you agree to serve this clan and protect it with you life?" Whisperstar started the ceremony.
"I do." Glow's eyes were radiating pride and excitement.
"Now you shall be know as Citrusglow. Tiger, are you willing to learn the warrior code and follow it now and forever?" He asked the bengal she-cat.
"I am." she murmured
"I am!" she repeated more loudly and happily.
"The from now until your warrior ceremony you shall be known as, Tigerpaw! Claw do you agree to serve this clan and protect it with your life?" The leader continued.
"I do." the tom meowed boldly.
"Then from now on you shall be known as Brownclaw! otter do you agree to protect this clan and follow the warrior code diligently?" Whisperstar smiled.
"Yes." The mottled grey and white tom meowed, his chest puffed out in pride. Whisperstar swallowed a laugh at the gesture and  continued,
"Then you shall now be known as..." he was running out of ideas, so he thought a moment.
"Ottermask!" Ottermask grinned from nose to tail.
"Leaf, do you agree to hunt and fight for this clan as your own?"
"Yes!" The pretty she-cat meowed excitedly.
"Then now you shall be known as, Leafstep!" Whisperstar declared and nodded to teh cats below the etched stone.
"Citrusglow! Tigerpaw! Brownclaw! Ottermask! Leafstep!" The original cats chanted.
 Stripepaw and Scarpaw shouted the loudest as the five new cats bounded down the slope of the Silent Stone. Stripepaw raced up to Tigerpaw and said,
"I'm Stripepaw! Welcome to the clan!"
"I'm Scarpaw!" Scarpaw meowed soon after. Brindleglow cautiously approached the cats, eying them warily.
"I'm Brindleglow, Welcome." She forced a smile to the new members of Whisperclan and dashed back to a large bolder on the other side of the shady clearing and slipped behind it, her belly gently swaying.  Whisperstar leaped of the stone and sat under a shady tree as the new cats were introduced.