Cats of Whisperclan

Leader - Whisperstar
Whisperstar is a black and white tom with pale blue eyes. He is funny and loves his clan and daughter with his life. He hates when Stripepaw gets mad at him for focusing on her clan and not her, but loves her just the same. He misses his old mate but she refused to change. He tries very hard to fulfill his destiny as leader but feels that he will never be as  good a leader as Jackalstar was.

Medicine Cat - Yewfrost
 A thin blue-gray she-cat with a tan chest and brown eyes. Yewfrost is very compassionate and empathetic, but she's painfully shy, and this sometimes blocks her from connecting with her patients. She has a very sharp memory and has a close connection with Starclan. She's a little clumsy, but moves with an easy grace. Yewfrost is a dreamer and can often be found lost in thought. She is very hardworking and gives everything her all. In her spare time, she can be found snoozing in a warm patch of sun.

Medicine Cat Apprentice - Calicopaw

 Calicopaw is a gentle calico she-cat with light yellow eyes. She is calm, cool, and collected. She is very neat and is a perfectionist. She loves to sort herbs, because to her, it seems to be what she does best. She doesn't mind doing regular apprentice tasks, thinking of how Whisperstar did these very tasks when he was an apprentice, and being proud for it. Her twin sister, who is nothing like her, is Flamepaw.

Warrior - Falconslash
Falconslash is a dark ginger tabby tom with vibrant green eyes. He is corageous, strong, funny, outgoing, and caring. He has never loved before but is sure that Citrusglow is the most beautiful cat he has ever seen. He can be sneaky and flirtatious but he is one of the nicest cats you have ever met. He is always there to listen and is good at keeping a secret. He hates his past and never speaks of it, but if you are careful you can draw it out of him.

Warrior - Citrusglow

Citrusglow is a pretty cream colored she-cat with light green eyes. She is sweet, loyal, and very trustworthy. Every cat knows that they could trust her with their lives. Having such a bright pelt in the dense forest makes it hard for her to hunt, but she always seems to manage to bring back plenty of prey.

Warrior - Riverfang
Riverfang is a glossy black she-cat with icy blue eyes. She is gentle, caring, funny, sweet, and a great hunter. She loves to be around other cats and believes that she could never survive without her clanmates. She was captured by rouges as a kit and was raised by an abusive she-cat who thought of her as garbage, but she ran away years later and was found by Whisperstar, scrawny and helpless. She wants to make it up to him by being the best warrior she cat be.

Warrior - Brownclaw
Brownclaw is a dark brown tom with yellow eyes. He has very long legs, which helps him jump from tree to tree, which is his special move in fighting. He is also very light, so he will barely shake the branches. In personality, he is calm, relaxed, and easygoing. He is one of the nicest cats in the clan, and likes to think things through before acting.

Warrior - Foxfire
 An orange and black she cat with pale amber eyes. Foxfire is a former kittypet who ran away to forge a new life with her sister. An undersized cute little furball on the out side,but inside is a true warrior with a passion to protect the ones she loves. Foxfire is fierce and hates it when cats want to protect her because she is small. her older sister is Silverleaf.

Warrior - Silverleaf
 A silver and black she cat with yellow eyes. Silverleaf is also a former kittypet who is insightful and intelectual. She wishes she was a medicine cat, and hangs out with Yewfrost when ever she can get away from her sister. In fact, she only became a warrior, even a clan cat is because she felt the need to protect her little sister, Foxfire. (she wants to go back to her housefolk.)

Warrior - Ottermask
Ottermask is a white tom with distinct black/gray markings on thick, long fur and icy blue eyes. He is very protective of his family and clan, but is also very playful when he wants to be. Ottermask is not rash in making decisions, but does enjoy himself a battle once in a while. He is looking for a mate, and would love to have kits, very similar to his sister.

Warrior - Leafstep
 Leafstep is a pretty brown patched mackerel tabby with white she-cat with large copper eyes. She is very playful, and loves to be around her older half-sibling, Ottermask. She is also looking for a mate, and would love to have some kits before she gets too old.

Warrior - Silverwhisper
A slender and pretty silvery-white tabby she-cat with brilliant blue eyes. She's a rather quiet cat, but she's friendly enough. Her laugh is like music and she loves to tickle others' funny bone. She's kind and very intelligent and can read others like a book. She's a very courageous cat and is very insightful. She doesn't care what others think and is an excellent huntress. She likes to swim.

Warrior - Bramblepath

Bramblepath is a brown tabby tom with the same bright green eyes as his sister Morningsky.He's a kind but quiet tom,who doesn't really bother other cats; preferring to stay to himself and watch out for his sister.He's very patient,as well a cool-headed.Thought he can be grumpy once in awhile especially if he has to get wet by swimming or going out in the rain. He's what ancient Riverclan cats would call a 'drypaws'. His only living kin is his sister Morningsky.

Warrior - Shadowstripe
Shadowstripe is a black and white tom with pale green eyes. He is shy and collected, who desperately wants a mate and kits. He hates fighting other clans, and is a peacekeeper who wants to avoid as many fights as possible. He enjoys a fast paced run in the woods to clear his head and nothing is better than laying in the sun with a full belly.

Warrior -  Morningsky

Morningsky is a long-haired creamy golden-brown tabby she-cat with a white muzzle and white chest fur.She has a fluffy tail,and bright green eyes that are the exact same shade as her brother Bramblepath's.She's a thoughtful,quick-thinking and confident she-cat.Morningsky never misses a step,and is therefor agile and sure footed even in slippery places.She's a little shy when she first meets new cats but soon gets over it as she gets to know them better.Her only kin is her brother Bramblepath,thought she's very close to Snowstorm,and her kits.She loves stopping by the nursery and play with the kits there when she has time to spare.She really wants some of her own someday.

Apprentice - Stripepaw
Stripepaw is a black and white tabby she-cat with blue eyes. Her father is Whisperstar and she hates it when he ignores her and pays more attention to his clan than her. She is outgoing, funny, spazzy and can sometimes be annoying and kinda rude. She misses her mother and will never understand why she didn't come with her and her father; she feels it is her fault. her feelings can sometimes interfere with her thinking and that could lead to a fight of rage, hate, sorrow, or even excitement. She lives in the moment and loves the way she lives.

Apprentice - Scarpaw
 Scarpaw is a brown tabby tom with one pale green eye. He is always smiling and is striving toward his goal to be the best hunter and fighter in the clan, no matter what. He loves to be around other cats and would live anyway else. He feels that his disability keeps cats from seeing who he really is and even though he wants a mate he knows he will never have one. He wishes that cats were smart enough not to look on the outside but the inside and see past the ugly scar where his eyes used to be. He can sometimes be blinded with hatred for cats who think he is ugly and no good, but is learning to control the rage.

Apprentice - Tigerpaw
Tigerpaw is a stunning tabby/bengal she-cat with yellow green eyes. She is funny, outgoing, and sweet, but terrifying , fierce, and fearless on the battle field. She is an exceptional fighter, and will take on anyone without hesitation. Some cats compare her to Tigerstar, an evil cat from the main clans, but she is nothing like him, even if she is a good fighter and very ambitious. She, unlike Tigerstar, is able to control herself and not attack out of pure ambition or hatred. She fights only for her clan. She'll never even think of joining any other group. She would like a mate someday, but now she just wants to be the best warrior and the best friend any cat could be.

Apprentice - Flamepaw
Flamepaw is a pretty calico she-cat with light amber eyes. She is intelligent, funny, and fearless. She will do any dare, and is not afraid to get dirty. She is friends with everyone, even the rough guys. Everyone likes to hang out with her, and she is always the center of attention, and mischief. She is an exceptional hunter and fighter. She hates doing apprentice tasks, but pushes through it, knowing that she'll be a warrior soon. Her twin sister, who is nothing like her, is Calicopaw.

Apprentice - Sandpaw
 A lean golden brown tabby tom with green eyes and long claws. Sandpaw is cocky, confident, and a joker. He never looks before he leaps and is an excellent fighter. Sandpaw is fiercely loyal and not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. He's not afraid of dying and so thus is an avid thrill seeker. He's a fast runner and doesn't mind a good chase. He's competitive and always up for a challenge. Sandpaw is not one to give up. He likes to climb trees and is always active. He has a crush on Stripepaw.

Apprentice - Honeypaw
Honeypaw is a pale orange tabby she-cat with blue eyes. She is funny and outgoing, and she loves to lend a paw and most of all, hunt with friends. She is smooth tongued and can lie as if she were telling the truth, which comes in handy a lot. Her life dream is to become leader, with the help of friends and mentors of course. She is super popular and has a ton of friends, but she doesn't take advantage of them, or boss them around; she is just super sociable.

Queen - Brindleglow

Brindleglow is a pretty brindled grey she-cat with stunning metallic light green eyes. She loves being around other cats and is expecting her first litter of kits whom father's she doesn't like to speak about. Brindleglow has always been wary of toms every since she was forced to have kits with a kittypet when she was a housecat. She wants her kits to grow up in Whisperclan and not wander back to the Twolegs. She is funny, cautious and a great fighter. Her life as a kittypet is a subject that she hates, and she will attack if she is ridiculed by her past.

Queen - Snowstorm
Snowstorm Is an elderly white she-cat with deep violet-blue eyes.Thought she's not as young as she used to be,she can still see and hear pretty well,the only thing that gives off her age is her stiff muscles.Snowstorm is a sarcastic,honest and wise she-cat.She loves her kits fiercly,and would fight to her death for her adopted clanmates.She grumbles alot and can be very impaitient but she always has time to tell kits storys or give edvise to those who want it.Snowstorm was born a kittypet but lived in a clan for many years,till a drought killed most of the clan,and most of her kits.She became a loner with her mate who left her to become a kittypet.Not long after she found out she was expecting kits,witch worried her since she isen't as young as she was.So after they were born she joined the clan,glad to have the support.She knows that this will be her last litter,and hopes to become an elder when they become apprentices.Her kits are Shimmerkit,Firekit,poisonkit and Tallkit.She's very fond of Morningsky,as she reminds her of one of her oldest daughters that died in the drought.