Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Warm Welcome

Whisperstar leaped onto the crack riddled stone and yowled,
"All cats old enough to slink trough the trees gather under the Silent Stone for a clan meeting!" Brindleglow, Stripepaw, and Scarpaw appeared from their hidden dens and sat beneath the stone.
"Today we will welcome Glow, Tiger, Claw, Otter and Leaf to our clan. Glow, do you agree to serve this clan and protect it with you life?" Whisperstar started the ceremony.
"I do." Glow's eyes were radiating pride and excitement.
"Now you shall be know as Citrusglow. Tiger, are you willing to learn the warrior code and follow it now and forever?" He asked the bengal she-cat.
"I am." she murmured
"I am!" she repeated more loudly and happily.
"The from now until your warrior ceremony you shall be known as, Tigerpaw! Claw do you agree to serve this clan and protect it with your life?" The leader continued.
"I do." the tom meowed boldly.
"Then from now on you shall be known as Brownclaw! otter do you agree to protect this clan and follow the warrior code diligently?" Whisperstar smiled.
"Yes." The mottled grey and white tom meowed, his chest puffed out in pride. Whisperstar swallowed a laugh at the gesture and  continued,
"Then you shall now be known as..." he was running out of ideas, so he thought a moment.
"Ottermask!" Ottermask grinned from nose to tail.
"Leaf, do you agree to hunt and fight for this clan as your own?"
"Yes!" The pretty she-cat meowed excitedly.
"Then now you shall be known as, Leafstep!" Whisperstar declared and nodded to teh cats below the etched stone.
"Citrusglow! Tigerpaw! Brownclaw! Ottermask! Leafstep!" The original cats chanted.
 Stripepaw and Scarpaw shouted the loudest as the five new cats bounded down the slope of the Silent Stone. Stripepaw raced up to Tigerpaw and said,
"I'm Stripepaw! Welcome to the clan!"
"I'm Scarpaw!" Scarpaw meowed soon after. Brindleglow cautiously approached the cats, eying them warily.
"I'm Brindleglow, Welcome." She forced a smile to the new members of Whisperclan and dashed back to a large bolder on the other side of the shady clearing and slipped behind it, her belly gently swaying.  Whisperstar leaped of the stone and sat under a shady tree as the new cats were introduced.


  1. Ottermask purred happily, proud of his new name.

    Leafstep purred as well, pleased and looking around to greet her new clan mates.

  2. "Hi." Tigerpaw meowed, purring.

    Brownclaw nodded to the other warriors. Then he went up to the nearest cat. "Hi," he meowed to Leafstep.

    Citrusglow flicked her tail happily.

  3. Leafstep looked at Brownclaw, "Hi, umm... Brownclaw right?" She questioned, curious.

    Ottermask walked over to Citrusglow and Tigerpaw quietly. "Nice to meet you, Citrusglow and Tigerpaw." He purred.

  4. "Yeah" Brownclaw nodded. "And you're Leafstep, yes?"

    "Hello." Citrusglow nodded to Ottermask.

    Tigerpaw smiled to Ottermask, then padded over to the apprentices. "Hello!" She said to them.

  5. "Yes, that is correct." Leafstep mewed, sitting up straight, curling her tail around her paws. "Nice to meet you, Brownclaw. Do you want to go hunting?"

  6. "Sure." Brownclaw meowed. He stood slowly. "Where?" He asked.

  7. "Not really sure yet; I haven't searched the territory yet." Leafstep thought for a moment. "I wonder. Do we fish here at all, do you know?"

  8. Scarpaw grinned and meowed, "Hi! I'm Scarpaw."

    "I'm Stripepaw!" Stripepaw meowed and smiled.

    Brindleglow watched Ottermask from her snuggly warm den and thought, 'He is a handsome tom, what if he likes me? Would he be a good father for my kits? Is he caring and gentle?' She asked questions that she didn't know the answer to. She sat down, he paws tucked neatly by her hindlegs and she daydreamed about Ottermask.

  9. Ottermask pawed at the fresh-kill pile til he found a good looking mouse and took a bite before noticing Brindleglow in the the den. "Want to share a mouse?" He asked as he came up to her, and dropped the mouse in front of her.

  10. Brindleglow looked at him shyly and meowed carefully, "If you want to. I don't want to ruin your meal." She cocked her head and waited for his answer.

  11. "Its fine. Company is always the best way to eat." He nodded, nudging the mouse to Brindleglow.

  12. Brindleglow managed a shy smile and took a bite of the juicy mouse.

  13. Ottermask laid down, tucking his paws under himself before digging in, taking slow bites of the mouse.

  14. Bringleglow smiled, a real smile when Ottermask laid down beside her.

  15. "How many kits are you expecting?" Ottermask asked curiously, finished up his portion of the mouse.

  16. "At least three. I'm due any day now." Brindleglow's heart fluttered happily as she gulped down her mouse, only just realizing how hungry she was.

  17. Ottermask nodded, licking his lips for any scraps, and then licking himself clean. "I'm sure they'll grow up to be wonderful warriors." He purred. Belly filled and content, Ottermask got into a comfortable position to lay down again.

  18. (why must every freaking cat have a mate???)

    "Nice to meet you." Tigerpaw dipped her head.

    Brownclaw shrugged. "I guess I wouldn't be a crime."

  19. (just cause she likes him doesn't mean they will be mates, even though they might. why does it matter?)

    Brindleglow curled up and meowed, "I might nap, so if I fall asleep, I'm sorry." she tucked in her tail and her head and lay there next to Ottermask, feeling completely safe next to the new cat.
