Sunday, May 6, 2012

Discovered Warriors

Whisperstar smiled as the new Medicine Cat, Yewfrost, rushed to the nursery to help Brindleglow deliver her kits. Ottermask was sitting not far from the nursery, trying not to look like a worried father, even though Brindleglow wasn't his mate. A yowl echoed from outside camp and he raced from the camp. Citrusglow was face to face with a ginger tom, while Leafstep stared down a black she-cat. there were two calico apprentices taking cover behind them. Whisperstar growled,
"Why are you in Whisperclan territory?" The she-cat piped up,
"We are outcasts from a group of surviving clancats. I'm Riverfang, this is Falconslash. Behind me are Calicopaw and Flamepaw." Riverfang's eyes were pleading. Falconslash meowed,
"Will you take us in? We have been alone for moons now." Whisperstar sighed and said,
"Alright, Citrusglow, Leafstep, guard them until we know they aren't lying." Whisperstar turned tail and padded back to camp.Yewfrost smiled and padded from the nursery. She meowed,
"Two toms and a she-cat, she is very tired so leave her be until she wakes up." She didn't look at anyone in particular, but everyone knew it was to Ottermask. Her eyes flicked to the two new cats but she stayed silent as she carried her extra herbs back to her hidden den. Brownclaw was keeping Striepaw from bolting over to the new cats and talking them to death. Scarpaw curiously looked at the cats, Tigerpaw sitting beside him. Sandpaw cocked his head sideways and wondered, 'who are they?' Silverwhisper padded up to Whisperstar and whispered something to him. He smiled and padded to the Silent Stone. He stood tall on the his perch and called, "All cats old enough to slink through the trees, gather under the Silent Stone for a clan meeting." The cats that were peering at the strangers turned to look at their leader. Ottermask bounded over from his spot by the nursery, where he had been sneaking glances at Brindleglow and her kits.
"Citrusglow and Leafstep have found some cats claiming to be warriors. We shall welcome them into our clan with the names Flaconslash,  Riverfang, Calicopaw and Flamepaw." The cats of Whisperclan paused a moment in shock before chanting,
"Falconslash, Riverfang, Calicoapw, Flamepaw!"
"Brindlglow has had her kits, two toms and a she-cat, soon to be named." The clan cheered and whooped. Whisperstar smiled and meowed,
"That is all."


  1. Riverfang stepped carefully towards the other cats and meowed, "I'm Riverfang."

    Flaconslash looked around and sat down.

  2. Yewfrost stretched and licked a paw, washing behind her ears. She then padded to the medicine den and lay down outside its entrance, closing her eyes.

    Silverwhisper padded into the nursery and smiled down softly at the new kits. "They're beautiful," she mewed to Brindleglow.

    Sandpaw shot a covert glance at Stripepaw.

  3. Brownclaw turned to face Stripepaw. "Stop trying to kill me and go talk to Sandpaw or someone." Then he turned to pad over to Silentwhisper. "Hello," he meowed.

    Citrusglow nodded to Riverfang. "Hello." She meowed. "I'm Citrusglow. Nice to meet you."

    Tigerpaw licked her paw slowly and looked around with her clear yellow gaze.

  4. Stripepaw's face flushed pink as she turned to Sandpaw. "Um, Hi! I'm Stripepaw!"

    Riverfang smiled carefully, "Nice to meet you too, I'm Riverfang."

    Falconslash glanced at a pretty cream she cat, his eyes bright and curious.

    Whisperstar smiled as his clan started to talk and share kill as one.

    Brindleglow smiled tiredly and meowed, "They really are." She pondered a moment, "The blue grey tom is Smokekit, the grey and white she-kit is Mistkit, and the grey tabby tom is Ashkit."

  5. "Cool." Creamglow glanced behind Riverfang. "Hi." She said to the tom.

  6. (dude! your name is CITRUSglow! lol. nice pic though.)

    Falconslash smiled, "Hey. I'm Falconslash, you?"

  7. (oops sorry)

    "Citrusglow." Citrusglow replied. She turned to face both of the new warriors. "I was thinking of arranging a hunting patrol. Want to join me?"

    Flamepaw padded over to Scarpaw. "Hey." She meowed to the tom and sat down to face him. "I'm Flamepaw. Who are you?"

    Calicopaw padded over to the medicine cat's den and sat outside it quietly.

  8. (Ottermask, which kits do you want to play, I want to play Ashkit if you dont mind.)

    Falconslash grinned, "Sure!"

    Riverfang hesitated a moment, "Um, Ok."

    Scarpaw smiled, "Hi! I'm Scarpaw, because of my eye." He turned his head to show the new apprentice the scar where his eye used to be.

    Stripepaw bounded over to Calicopaw and meowed, "Hey, I'm Stripepaw. Do you want to come with me to see Brindleglow's kits?"

  9. "Great! This way!" Citrusglow padded out of camp.

    "Ooh, how did that happen?" Flamepaw looked at the eye hole in wonder.

    "Sure!" Calicopaw meowed. "I'm Calicopaw. Nice to meet you." She stood up. "Where is the nursery?"

  10. Falconslash stood and stretched, then followed Citrusglow.

    Riverfang stood up and followed the other cats.

    Scarpaw frowned, "A fox got me when I was younger."

    Stripepaw smiled, "This way, you have to be quiet though; she's tired." She padded over to the nursery and ducked past Silverwhisper. She smiled softly at the squirming kits. "What are their names?" She asked softly.

    Brindleglow smiled and meowed, "The blue grey tom is Smokekit, the light grey she-kit is Mistkit, and the grey tabby is Ashkit." She nuzzled her kits as they suckled.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Falconslash grinned and slunk stealthily toward a scrabbling sound beneath a root. He shot his paw under the root and came back with a mouse.

    Riverfang nodded with approval.

  13. Citrusglow padded to the edge of a clearing, where a squirrel was sitting under a tree, eating a nut. Slowly, she climbed the back side of the tree, then dropped down on the squirrel, killing it with a small bite to the neck.

    "Wow, cool!" Flamepaw pulled away from it and grinned at Scarpaw. "Did it hurt?"

    "They're beautiful." Calicopaw commented quietly.

  14. Scarpaw meowed, "Yeah it hurt. I couldn't see out of either of my eyes for days because my face was caked with blood." He sighed.

    Striepaw nodded in awe.

    "They really are." Brindleglow smiled.

  15. "Nice one." Citrusglow complimented.

    "Awesome!" Flamepaw's eyes glowed. "You probably get a lot of attention for that, don't you?"

    Calicopaw smiled and blushed. She watched Ashkit squirm around, and couldn't help but laugh.

  16. Falconslash grinned.

    Scarpaw shook his head, "No. People think I'm weird and deformed."

    Stripepaw smiled.

  17. Flamepaw shrugged. "I don't think so. I think you look brave!"

  18. Scarpaw smiled, "Do you really think so?"

  19. "Sure, as long as you act like you are!" Flamepaw teased.

  20. Flamepaw stood up and stretched.

  21. Scarpaw bounced up and across the clearing to Citrusglow. "Can we do some training today?" he cocked his head is question.

    Stripepaw nudged Calicopaw, "We should let her rest." She wiggled out of the crag behind the boulder that sheltered the nursery and asked Brownclaw, "Can we join a hunting patrol? I think they fresh kill pile is looking pretty sparse."

    Whisperstar stood and stretched. Then he padded over to Tigerpaw, "Lets work on some battle training, just you and me." he flicked his tail toward the entrance and headed of toward the practice grove.

  22. "Sure." Citrusglow purred.

    Calicopaw dipped her head to the queen, then backed out. She padded over to the medicine cats' den.

    Brownclaw nodded to the she-cat. "Find some other apprentices, and we'll go."

    "Ok!" Tigerpaw jumped up, happy to be doing something.

  23. Scarpaw smiled and raced his mentor to te entrance, where he waited impatiently.

    Stripepaw looked around and dashed over to Citrusglow and asked, "Can you and Scarpaw come hunting with Brownclaw and I?"

    Whisperstar led his apprentice to the hidden grove and meowed, "Attack me."

  24. Shadowstripe padded over to Brownclaw and asked, "Can I join your hunting party?"

    Honeypaw asked Flaconslash, "Can you show me the territory?"

  25. (yo Phoenixchic! you can talk to ppl on the chat box up at the top btw)

    Falconslash grinned and said, 'Sure." He bounded off into the woods. He came to a stop at a tall, spindly tree. "This is Twisted Tree."

  26. "Why is it called that?" Honeypaw asked.

  27. "When the first clan cats arrived they rested here and gave it a special name because of it's appearance."

  28. Brablepath looks around curiously with bright green eyes.Beside him Morningsky shifted her weight from paw to paw nervously.

    Snowstorm wrapped her tail protectivly around her kits,and looks around with a mix of curiousity and waryness from beside them.

    Shimmerkit tried to squirm out of her mother's grasp.

  29. Tinyfern padded into the clearing. "Hello, I am a new member of WhisperClan! Can I be Medicine Cat Apprentice?" She gazed at Whisperstar as she sat down folding her tail neatly over her paws.

  30. She looked around the camp. "Is anyone here?"
