Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Deputy

Citrusglow carefully placed her paws silently as she crept up on a mouse eating a beechnut. As she was about to strike the killing blow on her prey, a single golden tabby paw shot out and snagged the mouse from under her muzzle. She turned on the tabby, her green eyes blazing. The pretty golden tabby she-cat ,with the mouse laying dead at her paws, glared back with pale green eyes and a growl.
"Mommy, can I help Morningsky?!" Citrusglow's ears pricked as a small white she-kit stumbled from a clump of bracken. Then a white paws snagged back into the bracken. Morningsky turned her head to look back at the kit. Citrusglow attacked. She threw herself at the tabby she-cat, knocking her over. Morningsky struggled under Citrusglow's weight, but couldn't move. Citrusglow hissed,
"Who are you?"
"Morningsky." She meowed simply.
"Why are you and you friends here?" Citrusglow queried.
"You guess." Morningsky growled. Citrusglow yowled and lunged for her throat. A different but similar tabby bowled over her and pinned her. Morningsky got up and shook the leaves from her fur. The darker tabby tom hissed,
"I'm Bramblepath, leave my sister alone and take us to your clan." He released the light creamy she-cat and Citrusglow meowed,
"How did you know I was a clan cat?" Bramblepath let a slight purr rumble from his throat and he said,
"I know one of my own when I see one."


Whisperstar leaped onto the Silent Stone and yowled the summons. Once his clan had gathered he meowed,
"Citrusglow encountered two warriors, a queen, and four kits earlier this morning," His pale blue gaze scanned the crowd of cats as he continued.
"I have decided to let them stay. After discussing with Yewfrost, I had decided to appoint a deputy." Meows of approval echoed through the rocky clearing as Whisperstar finished.
"I have assessed the skills of all of you and come to a clear choice. Bramblepath will the be the new deputy of Whisperclan." Yowls, hisses and growls filled the clearing as Brownclaw yelled, 
"But he is a stranger! We all have worked hard to impress you and you choose him!" Meows of agreement followed the yowl of dissaproval. 
The clan grew instantly silent as Whisperstar's command rang through the air.
"Bramblepath was a senior warrior at his old clan and had many apprentices of his own. He proves to be a loyal and trustworthy warrior to be my deputy. Meeting dismissed."Whisperstar stated his argument and turned tail to stalk angrily to his den.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Discovered Warriors

Whisperstar smiled as the new Medicine Cat, Yewfrost, rushed to the nursery to help Brindleglow deliver her kits. Ottermask was sitting not far from the nursery, trying not to look like a worried father, even though Brindleglow wasn't his mate. A yowl echoed from outside camp and he raced from the camp. Citrusglow was face to face with a ginger tom, while Leafstep stared down a black she-cat. there were two calico apprentices taking cover behind them. Whisperstar growled,
"Why are you in Whisperclan territory?" The she-cat piped up,
"We are outcasts from a group of surviving clancats. I'm Riverfang, this is Falconslash. Behind me are Calicopaw and Flamepaw." Riverfang's eyes were pleading. Falconslash meowed,
"Will you take us in? We have been alone for moons now." Whisperstar sighed and said,
"Alright, Citrusglow, Leafstep, guard them until we know they aren't lying." Whisperstar turned tail and padded back to camp.Yewfrost smiled and padded from the nursery. She meowed,
"Two toms and a she-cat, she is very tired so leave her be until she wakes up." She didn't look at anyone in particular, but everyone knew it was to Ottermask. Her eyes flicked to the two new cats but she stayed silent as she carried her extra herbs back to her hidden den. Brownclaw was keeping Striepaw from bolting over to the new cats and talking them to death. Scarpaw curiously looked at the cats, Tigerpaw sitting beside him. Sandpaw cocked his head sideways and wondered, 'who are they?' Silverwhisper padded up to Whisperstar and whispered something to him. He smiled and padded to the Silent Stone. He stood tall on the his perch and called, "All cats old enough to slink through the trees, gather under the Silent Stone for a clan meeting." The cats that were peering at the strangers turned to look at their leader. Ottermask bounded over from his spot by the nursery, where he had been sneaking glances at Brindleglow and her kits.
"Citrusglow and Leafstep have found some cats claiming to be warriors. We shall welcome them into our clan with the names Flaconslash,  Riverfang, Calicopaw and Flamepaw." The cats of Whisperclan paused a moment in shock before chanting,
"Falconslash, Riverfang, Calicoapw, Flamepaw!"
"Brindlglow has had her kits, two toms and a she-cat, soon to be named." The clan cheered and whooped. Whisperstar smiled and meowed,
"That is all."