Tuesday, May 29, 2012

A Deputy

Citrusglow carefully placed her paws silently as she crept up on a mouse eating a beechnut. As she was about to strike the killing blow on her prey, a single golden tabby paw shot out and snagged the mouse from under her muzzle. She turned on the tabby, her green eyes blazing. The pretty golden tabby she-cat ,with the mouse laying dead at her paws, glared back with pale green eyes and a growl.
"Mommy, can I help Morningsky?!" Citrusglow's ears pricked as a small white she-kit stumbled from a clump of bracken. Then a white paws snagged back into the bracken. Morningsky turned her head to look back at the kit. Citrusglow attacked. She threw herself at the tabby she-cat, knocking her over. Morningsky struggled under Citrusglow's weight, but couldn't move. Citrusglow hissed,
"Who are you?"
"Morningsky." She meowed simply.
"Why are you and you friends here?" Citrusglow queried.
"You guess." Morningsky growled. Citrusglow yowled and lunged for her throat. A different but similar tabby bowled over her and pinned her. Morningsky got up and shook the leaves from her fur. The darker tabby tom hissed,
"I'm Bramblepath, leave my sister alone and take us to your clan." He released the light creamy she-cat and Citrusglow meowed,
"How did you know I was a clan cat?" Bramblepath let a slight purr rumble from his throat and he said,
"I know one of my own when I see one."


Whisperstar leaped onto the Silent Stone and yowled the summons. Once his clan had gathered he meowed,
"Citrusglow encountered two warriors, a queen, and four kits earlier this morning," His pale blue gaze scanned the crowd of cats as he continued.
"I have decided to let them stay. After discussing with Yewfrost, I had decided to appoint a deputy." Meows of approval echoed through the rocky clearing as Whisperstar finished.
"I have assessed the skills of all of you and come to a clear choice. Bramblepath will the be the new deputy of Whisperclan." Yowls, hisses and growls filled the clearing as Brownclaw yelled, 
"But he is a stranger! We all have worked hard to impress you and you choose him!" Meows of agreement followed the yowl of dissaproval. 
The clan grew instantly silent as Whisperstar's command rang through the air.
"Bramblepath was a senior warrior at his old clan and had many apprentices of his own. He proves to be a loyal and trustworthy warrior to be my deputy. Meeting dismissed."Whisperstar stated his argument and turned tail to stalk angrily to his den.


  1. Yewfrost padded up to Bramblepath, a small smile on her face. "They'll calm down," she said. "I'm sure you'll be a great deputy."

    Silverwhisper watched Whisperstar enter his den, and then she stretched, fancying getting some hunting done.

    Sandpaw snoozed in a patch of sun.

  2. Bramblepath looked over at Yewfrost,"Thank-you.I hope your right.I don't want to stir up any trouble."he mews and glances around at his new clanmates.

    Morningsky smiles proudly at her brother from where she sat beside Snowstorm.She looked curiously around at her new clanmates.Thought staid where she was her shy nature getting the best of her.

    Snowstorm smiles warmly,and after a quick glance stretches her stiff muscles and lays down near the nursery.Contently watching as her kits played a few tail leaghts away.

  3. Brindleglow emerged from the nursery, a smile on her face. "I'm Brindleglow," Her kits scampered through her legs. "And they are Ashkit, Smokekit, and Mistkit." Brindleglow sat down with her tail wrapped over her paws.

    Riverfang padded over to Silverwhisper and asked, "Do you want to go hunt?"

    Falconslash walked over to Bramblepath and meowed, "Don't worry about Brownclaw, he'll get over it."

  4. Bramblepath looks tawards falconflash and nods.He looks tawards Brownclaw and then back at Falconflash with slight smile."How do you feel about border patrols?"he askes kindly.

    Snowstorm looks up tawards Brindleglow and smiles."I'm Snowstorm."she mews and points tawards her own kits."My kits are Shimmerkit,Firekit,Poisonkit and Tallkit."She mews,looking back tawards her.

    Morningsky nods in greeting tawards Brindleglow,watching Ashkit,Smokekit and Mistkit with a warm smile.

    Poisonkit continues play fighting with Tallkit,as Shimmerkit and Firekit stop and look tawards Brindleglow's kits curiously.

  5. Brownclaw glared at Bramblepath and stalked over to Silverwhisper. "Want to hunt?" he asked kindly, though his eyes were still lit up with anger.

    When Citrusglow saw Bramblepath's gaze sweep over her and on to her clan mates, she winced. She had hoped to get the spot, but couldn't be rude to the tom.

    Tigerpaw padded over to Honeypaw. "Hi." She meowed. "I'm Tigerpaw. You must be Honeypaw. Nice to meet you."

    Flamepaw stretched and stood slowly.

    Calicopaw padded over to Yewfrost. "What can I do today?" She asked.

  6. Falconslash meowed, "Great!"

    Smokekit curiously asked, "Who are you?"

    Mistkit stood next to her brothers and watched the new kits carefully.

    Ashkit sat by Brindleglow, watching the clearing.

  7. Silverwhisper nodded to Riverfang and Brownclaw. "That would be great," she said, padding with them towards the entrance. She shot her two companions a glance. "Race ya both."

    Yewfrost blinked at her apprentice. "Let's go get some herbs," she said. "Our stocks are running low."

  8. Riverfang grinned and pelted after Silverwhisper. She skidded to stop and smelled the air. Squirrel! She sank into a hunting crouch and stalked toward the bushy tailed animal.

  9. Bramblepath nods,"Then could you please lead one?"he askes.

    Shimmerkit smiles and looks over at Smokekit with her violet gaze."I'm shimmerkit.This is Firekit."she mews flicking her tail tawards her brother,"And there Poisonkit and Tallkit."she mews pointing tawards her wrestling siblings.

    Firekit waves his tail,in hello."We just joined the clan with our mom,Snowstorm."he adds.

  10. "Who should I take?" Asked Falconslash.

    Mistkit grinned, "I'm Mistkit, and my brothers are Smokekit and Ashkit. Our mom is Brindleglow." Mistkit meowed her greeting.

  11. (ECHO!!!!!!!! I R-ED ON MERGING AND MORPHING SO U CAN DO PERSONALITIES! HERE IS THE LINK AGAIN; http://mergingmorphing.blogspot.com/ )

  12. Silverwhisper smiled, and then skidded to a halt, listening for prey. A bird burst into song in a nearby bush. She stalked forward, a silent shadow, and then pounced, killing the bird with a bite to the neck.

  13. Riverfang quickly buried her prey and set off to find more.

  14. JOIN THIS BLOG: http://ashclan-dd.blogspot.com/ PLEASE!!!!

  15. "Okay!" Calicopaw meowed.

    Brownclaw smiled.

  16. Riverfang saw Brownclaw smile and felt herself smile too. She was getting to know these cats, almost enough to call them friends. She ran up to him and flicked his flank with her tail, "tag, your it!" she called and laughed as she turned to give him a taunting smile.

  17. "It's up to you."Bramblepath anserwed.

    Shimmerkit smiles."It's a pleasure to meet you."she mews politly.

    Firekit smiles."Ya,so what do you guys do for fun around here?"he asked.

    Poisonkit smiles victoriously as she pinned Tallkit under her.

  18. Falconslash grinned and called, "Leafstep! Morningsky! We are going on a border patrol!"

  19. Morningsky looked up from watching the kits,and with a smile bounds over to Falconslash."Where are we patroling?"she asked.


    2. [OMG,i completly forgot...I'll go do them asp.]

    3. (thank you thank you thank you!!!!!!!)

  20. "The whole territory, just so you can get a feel for it." Flaconslash concluded.

  21. Falconslash sat down to groom himself as he waited for Leafstep.

  22. Poisonkit and tallkit make there way over to there littermates.Poisonkit looks curiously at them but tallkit just sits down gloomly."Hello."poisonkit mews.

  23. "What??? No fair!" Brownclaw laughed and chased after the she-cat.

  24. Riverfang weaved in and out of the tree, her black pelt smoothly blending with the darkness. Her blue eyes gleamed happily.

  25. [Should we just go on with the patrol,as if Leafstep at joined them?]

  26. (oh dur im leadin lol)

    Falconslash grinned, "Okay we're all here, lets go!" he bounded into the forest.

  27. Morningsky smiled,Finaly!she thought and bounded after him.

  28. Falconslash flicked his tail to a tall spindly tree and meowed pointedly, "This is Twisted Tree, It used to be the meeting place for our old camp, long ago that is."

  29. Morningsky looked at the tree and smiled,she could just imagine it."Why did you move camps?"she asked curoisly.

  30. "Because this camp was too close to the ocean and was flooded to often to be suitable for living" Falconslash explained.

  31. Morningsky noded,"That would be a problem.Does the camp we live in now,ever flood?"she asked.

  32. "rarely, only if it rains for a few sunrises straight." he chuckled and flicked his tail. 'Lets keep moving, towards the border to Mossclan."
